20-month-old Development Checklist

A 20-month-old development checklist is important because it can help parents and caregivers identify any delays in their child’s development and get them the help they need. The checklist includes tasks that typically 20-month-olds can do, such as pointing to pictures of things they know, saying a few words, and walking independently. If a child is not meeting these milestones, it could be a sign that they need some help catching up.

Details for 20-month-old Development Checklist

1. Points to pictures of things they know:

A 20-month-old typically points to pictures of things they know, such as family members or objects they are familiar with. If your child is not doing this, it could be a sign that they need help with their vocabulary development.

2. Says a few words:

A 20-month-old typically says a few words, such as their name, mommy, daddy, and other common words. If your child is not saying many words, it could be a sign that they need help with their language development.

3. Walks independently:

A 20-month-old typically walks independently. If your child is not walking yet, it could be a sign that they need help with their gross motor skills development.

4. Crawls well:

A 20-month-old typically crawls well. If your child is not crawling yet, it could be a sign that they need help with their gross motor skills development.

5. Holds a crayon correctly:

A 20-month-old should be able to hold a crayon correctly, with the crayon between their thumb and pointer finger. If your child cannot do this, it could be a sign that they need help with their fine motor skills development.

6. Scribbles on paper:

A 20-month-old should be able to scribble on paper. If your child cannot do this, it could be a sign that they need help with their fine motor skills development.

7. Drinks from a cup with a straw:

A 20-month-old should be able to drink from a cup with a straw. If your child cannot do this, it could be a sign that they need help with their fine motor skills development or coordination skills development.

8. Eats with a spoon and fork:

A 20-month-old should be able to eat with a spoon and fork. If your child cannot do this, it could be a sign that they need help with their coordination skills development or eating skills development.

9. Puts toys away in correct toy box/crate:

A 20-month-old should be able to put toys away in the correct toy box or crate. If your child cannot do this, it could be a sign that they need help with their executive functioning skills development or organizational skills development.

FAQ for 20-month-old Development Checklist

What should I do if my 20 month old is not meeting the milestones listed on the development checklist?

If your child is not meeting the milestones listed on the 20-month-old development checklist, it is important to consult with a pediatrician or other developmental specialist to get help. There could be a range of reasons why your child is not meeting these milestones, and getting help early can ensure that they catch up quickly.

What if my 20 month old is meeting all of the milestones on the development checklist?

If your child is meeting all of the milestones on the 20-month-old development checklist, congratulations! This is a great accomplishment and means that they are on track with their development. You can continue to encourage their development by providing them with opportunities to explore and learn new things.

What Milestones Should My 20 Month Old Be Meeting?

The milestones that your 20-month-old should be meeting are listed above in the content section. These include tasks such as pointing to pictures of things they know, saying a few words, and walking independently. If your child is not meeting these milestones, it could be a sign that they need help with their development. Consult with a pediatrician or other developmental specialist to get help.

What should I do if my 20 month old is not meeting the milestones on the checklist?

If your child is not meeting the milestones listed on the 20 month old development checklist, it is important to consult with a pediatrician or other developmental specialist to get help. There could be a range of reasons why your child is not meeting these milestones, and getting help early can ensure that they catch up quickly.

In Summary

A 20-month-old development checklist can be a useful tool to help track your child’s development. It can be helpful to consult with a pediatrician or other developmental specialist if your child is not meeting the milestones listed on the checklist. Some of the issues to avoid include delaying help if needed, comparing children to others, and becoming overwhelmed.

