1. Inspect for Defects:
Regularly inspect the eyewash station for any damage, deterioration, or other defects that could compromise its performance in an emergency situation.
2. Check Fluid Levels:
Make sure there is always a sufficient amount of saline solution available in the eyewash station.
3. Replace Fluid:
Replace the fluid in the eyewash station on a regular basis, according to manufacturer or industry-recommended guidelines.
4. Maintain Proper Temperature:
Make sure that the temperature of the saline solution is between 15°C and 25°C.
5. Test Pressure:
Periodically test the pressure of the eyewash station to ensure it is operating properly.
6. Check for Clogs and Leaks:
Clean the eyewash station nozzles and check for any clogs or leaks that could reduce the efficacy of the device.
7. Clean Eyewash Station:
Regularly clean the eyewash station, including the nozzles and lines, to help maintain proper operation.
8. Document Maintenance Tasks:
Keep a record of all maintenance tasks that have been performed on the eyewash station. This will help you keep track of when routine maintenance is due and can help if any issues arise during use.
9. Train Staff:
Make sure all personnel are trained on the proper use and maintenance of the eyewash station. This will help ensure that it is used correctly in an emergency situation.