1. Cognitive Development:
Look for signs of advanced problem-solving skills, memory recall, and early understanding of higher math concepts.
2. Language Development:
Assess the ability to communicate through verbal words as well as nonverbal cues such as pointing and gesturing.
3. Motor Development:
Observe how quickly the child masters skills such as crawling and walking.
4. Social Development:
Check for signs of emotional intelligence, including the ability to recognize emotions in others and build relationships.
5. Creative Development:
Look for evidence of imagination, curiosity, and other creative aptitudes.
6. Self-Regulation:
Watch for signs of strong self-discipline such as the ability to delay gratification and control impulses.
7. Interests:
Note any particular interests or talents that the child may display, such as art, music, or technology.
8. Physical Development:
Track the child’s height and weight to ensure they are progressing normally.