1. Pack enough supplies for your trip, including extra glucose tablets, insulin or oral medications, syringes and needles (if needed), lancets/blood sugar testing strips, a glucagon emergency kit (for severe low blood sugar reactions), and ketone test strips.
It is essential that when traveling with diabetes, you pack enough supplies to last you for your entire trip. Pack extra glucose tablets, insulin or oral medications, syringes and needles (if needed), lancets/blood sugar testing strips, glucagon emergency kit (for severe low blood sugar reactions) and ketone test strips to ensure that you have everything you need in case of a medical emergency.
2. Bring a copy of your prescriptions in case you need to get more medication while traveling.
If travelling abroad it is essential to bring copies of your prescriptions in case there are any issues obtaining the same medication at your destination. It also provides an easy reference if you need to clarify dosages with a care provider away from home.
3. Bring a list of all the medicines you are taking and their dosages.
It is important to bring a list of all the medications you are taking, as well as their respective dosages, in case of an emergency. This can help provide care providers with essential information about your health.
4. Get an ID card that lists your medical conditions and contact information.
An ID card that lists your medical conditions and contact information can be incredibly helpful should you require medical attention while travelling. It is also useful if you are separated from your travel companions due to an unexpected incident or illness.
5. Make sure to bring any dietary supplements you may take.
Dietary supplements can aid in maintaining your health while away from home, so it is important to remember to pack any dietary supplements you may take.
6. Consider bringing food that can travel easily with you such as granola bars or nuts.
Bringing snacks with you that are easy to store and transport can help ensure that your blood sugar levels remain stable while away from home. Granola bars, nuts and other items that don’t require refrigeration can be very helpful when travelling.
7. If possible, schedule an appointment with your doctor prior to traveling so they can advise about changes in diet or activity level due to location changes.
An appointment with your doctor prior to travelling can be incredibly helpful in preparing for the journey. Your doctor can advise you on potential dietary or activity changes that may need to be made due to location changes, and will also provide further advice on how to remain safe and healthy during your trip.
8. Research what type of medical care is available at the destination should there be an emergency.
Researching the type of medical care available at your destination can help you be prepared should an emergency arise. Knowing where to go and who to contact in the event of a medical emergency can save valuable time that could mean the difference between life and death.
9. If on vacation, plan time for rest and allow yourself time to adjust if dealing with jet lag or altitude changes.
Vacations can be packed with activities, but it is important to make time for rest and allow yourself time to adjust if you are dealing with jet lag or an altitude change. This will help keep your health in check while away from home.
10. Bring copies of relevant health insurance documents in case of an emergency.
It is essential to bring copies of any relevant health insurance documents with you when travelling, as this will ensure that any medical expenses incurred while away from home can be taken care of without stress or hassle.
11. Research the closest medical facility to your destination should you require medical attention.
Researching the closest medical facility to your destination prior to travelling can help you be prepared in case of an emergency. Knowing where to go and who to contact should you require medical attention can save valuable time in getting the care that is needed.
12. Make sure to stay well hydrated throughout the trip and take breaks for rest if you feel fatigued.
Staying well hydrated is key to maintaining your health while travelling, and taking breaks throughout the day for rest if feeling fatigued or overwhelmed can help keep you healthy.
13. Bring snacks with you in case of low blood sugar episodes that require immediate attention.
Bringing snacks with you can be helpful if you suffer from low blood sugar episodes that require immediate attention. Keeping snacks on hand at all times can help ensure that your health is maintained while away from home.
14. Consider packing a glucose meter, a testing device, and extra batteries.
If you suffer from diabetes, it is important to bring a glucose meter and extra batteries or chargers in case of an emergency. This will help ensure that your health is maintained while away from home.
15. Monitor changes in temperature and humidity as they may affect blood sugar levels while traveling.
Monitoring changes in temperature and humidity while travelling can be incredibly helpful, as these can affect your blood sugar levels. Taking the necessary precautions to mitigate any potential issues due to weather changes can help keep your health in check while away from home.