1. Product Information:
The importer must provide basic information about the food product, such as the name of the manufacturer and a description of how it was processed or prepared.
2. Hazard Analysis:
The importer must conduct a hazard analysis to identify potential food safety hazards associated with the imported food.
3. Supplier Verification Activities:
The importer must verify that their foreign suppliers are taking appropriate steps to ensure food safety by verifying their operating processes and procedures are being properly implemented.
4. Corrective Actions:
In cases where an importer discovers any potential problems with a supplier’s practices, they must take corrective action to address these issues and ensure continued compliance with FSVP requirements.
5. Record Keeping:
The importer must keep records of all FSVP activities, including hazard analysis results, supplier verification steps taken, and corrective actions implemented.
6. Reassessment:
Importers must periodically reassess their suppliers to ensure that standards are being maintained.
7. Training:
The importer must provide regular training for personnel involved in implementing the FSVP program to maintain their knowledge and understanding of FSVP requirements.
8. Monitoring & Review:
Finally, the importer should regularly monitor their foreign suppliers’ practices to verify compliance with food safety standards and review records related to the foreign supplier's performance throughout the year.