1. Mental Status Exam:
This test assesses a child's cognitive abilities, including their memory, attention, language skills, and overall mental functioning.
2. Cranial Nerves Exam:
This assesses the function of the 12 cranial nerves, which control a range of functions, such as eye movement, facial expression, and taste sensation.
3. Motor Exam:
This test assesses muscle strength, tone, and coordination. It includes tests such as checking reflexes, observing movement patterns, and testing fine motor skills.
4. Sensory Exam:
This assesses a child's sensory function, including their ability to feel touch, temperature, and vibration.
5. Coordination Exam:
This test assesses a child's ability to coordinate movements, including their ability to walk, balance, and use fine motor skills.
6. Reflex Exam:
This test assesses a child's reflexes, which can provide information about the function of the nervous system.
7. Gait Analysis:
This test assesses a child's walking pattern, including their balance and coordination.
8. Speech and Language Exam:
This test assesses a child's speech and language abilities, including their ability to understand and express language.
9. Developmental Exam:
This test assesses a child's overall development, including their cognitive, social, and emotional development.
10. Cranial Palpation:
This test involves feeling the child's skull for any abnormalities or areas of tenderness, which can provide clues about potential neurological issues.