1. Rolls over
This milestone indicates that a baby can move independently from his or her back to their stomach and vice versa. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 3 months old.
2. Sits up unsupported
This milestone indicates that a baby can sit up without any support, such as from Mom or Dad. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 6 months old.
3. Begins to crawl
This milestone indicates that a baby is starting to learn how to move around independently. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 9 months old.
4. Starts to pull self up to stand
This milestone indicates that a baby is starting to learn how to stand on their own. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 10 months old.
5. Holds head steady when upright
This milestone indicates that a baby is able to hold their head up steadily when upright. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 3 months old.
6. Takes first steps
This milestone indicates that a baby is taking their first steps independently. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 12 months old.
7. Says first word(s)
This milestone indicates that a baby is saying their first words independently. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 12 months old.
8. Points and looks at objects asked to observe
This milestone indicates that a baby is able to understand when they are being asked to look at an object and point at it. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 8 months old.
9. Follows simple commands
This milestone indicates that a baby can follow simple commands, such as “give me the ball” or “no”. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 12 months old.
10. Understands some words
This milestone indicates that a baby is beginning to understand some words and their meanings. Most babies will achieve this milestone by 18 months old.