1. General information about the symptom.
For general information, including things such as what the symptom is, what it feels like, and how long it lasts.
2. When did the symptom start?
The symptom could have started yesterday, last week, or a few months ago. It's important to know when it first occurred.
3. What makes the symptom worse or better?
Sometimes symptoms can be made worse by things like exercise or stress. Knowing what makes the symptom worse can be helpful in managing it.
4. Is there anything that seems to trigger the symptom?
Sometimes symptoms are triggered by specific things, like food or environmental factors. If there is something that seems to trigger the symptom, it's important to try to avoid it.
5. How severe is the symptom?
Some symptoms are mild while others are more severe. It's important to rate how severe the symptom is on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the most severe.
6. Does the symptom affect daily activities?
Symptoms can sometimes interfere with activities like work or school. It's important to rate how much the symptom affects daily activities on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being greatly affected.
7. Have you seen a doctor about this symptom? If so, what was the diagnosis?
It's important to see a doctor if symptoms are severe or interfere with daily activities. The doctor may be able to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.
8. Are you currently being treated for this symptom? If so, what is the treatment?
If a doctor has diagnosed the symptom, there may be a treatment plan in place. It's important to follow the treatment plan as prescribed.
9. Are there any other symptoms that seem to be related to this one?
Sometimes symptoms can be related to other symptoms. It's important to list all of the symptoms that seem to be occurring together.
10. Do you have any questions about the symptom or its possible causes?
If there are any questions or concerns, it's important to ask the doctor. They can provide more information and help to ease any worries.