1. Does our group avoid expressing opinions on political matters or social controversies:
AA groups should refrain from discussing or taking a stance on political or social issues during meetings or in any public forum.
2. Are we careful not to represent AA in public debates or media:
Members should avoid presenting themselves as representatives of AA in any public discussions, debates, or media appearances.
3. Do we refrain from taking stands on issues unrelated to alcoholism and recovery:
Groups should avoid getting involved in debates or discussions on topics that are not directly related to alcoholism and the recovery process.
4. Is our group's focus solely on carrying the message of recovery to alcoholics:
The primary purpose of AA groups is to provide support and guidance to individuals seeking recovery from alcoholism.
5. Do we avoid endorsing or opposing any causes, even if some members are passionate about them:
AA groups should not officially endorse or oppose any causes, charitable organizations, or political movements, even if individual members have strong opinions about them.
6. Do we avoid endorsing or opposing any causes, even if some members are passionate about them:
Care should be taken when using the AA name or symbols in any context outside of AA meetings or literature, as it should not be associated with outside issues.
7. Do we respect the diverse beliefs and opinions of our members, promoting unity and common purpose:
AA groups should foster an environment of respect and unity, where members of various backgrounds and beliefs can come together for a common purpose: recovery from alcoholism.
8. Are we mindful not to allow outside issues to distract us from our primary goal of helping alcoholics:
AA groups should prioritize their primary mission of helping individuals with alcoholism, ensuring that outside issues do not divert their focus.