1. Property location and eligibility:
Ensure the property is in an eligible VA loan location, and verify that it meets VA's occupancy guidelines.
2. Property condition assessment:
Evaluate the overall condition of the property to ensure it is habitable and in good shape.
3. Compliance with VA's Minimum Property Requirements (MPRs):
Confirm that the property meets the VA's minimum standards, including safety, sanitation, and structural integrity.
4. Adequate living space:
Check that the property provides sufficient space for the veteran and their family.
5. Functional heating and cooling systems:
Ensure that the heating and cooling systems are in good working order.
6. Structural integrity and safety:
Assess the property's structural components and identify any potential safety hazards.
7. Clean and safe drinking water:
Confirm that the property has a safe and reliable water supply.
8. Proper sewage and waste disposal:
Ensure that sewage and waste disposal systems are functioning correctly.
9. Roofing in good condition:
Check the roof for any signs of damage or leaks.
10. Pest infestation inspection:
Verify that the property is free from pest infestations.