1. Have you ever thought about harming yourself or wished you were dead?
Many people have fleeting thoughts about suicide, but if you've been having suicidal thoughts more often or they're causing you distress, then it's important to seek help.
2. Do you feel like there's no way out or that life isn't worth living?
If you're feeling this way, then it's likely that you're experiencing despair or hopelessness. These are common symptoms of depression and can be warning signs of suicide.
3. Are you constantly feeling sad, anxious, or angry?
If you're experiencing these feelings intensely, for a long time, and they're disrupting your life, then it's important to get help. These are also common symptoms of depression and can be warning signs of suicide.
4. . Has your mood changed recently for no reason?
Mood changes can be a sign that something is wrong and that you may be at risk for suicide. If your mood has shifted suddenly and without any clear explanation, it's worth talking to a doctor or mental health professional.
5. Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy?
When people lose interest in the activities that used to make them happy, it's often a sign that they're depressed and may be at risk for suicide. If this is the case for you, it's important to reach out for help.
6. Are you withdrawing from friends and family?
Isolating yourself from the people who care about you is another sign that something may be wrong. People who are suicidal often withdraw from those around them because they feel ashamed or embarrassed about their feelings or because they don't want to worry anyone. It's important to reach out if this is happening to you.
7. Do you feel like a burden to others?
Many people who are suicidal feel like they're a burden to those around them. This is because they see themselves as a drain on resources and think that others would be better off without them. If this is how you feel, remember that it's not true and that those who care about you want you to stay alive.
8. Have thoughts of suicide been going through your head a lot lately?
Thoughts of suicide can be an early warning sign that someone is at risk for suicide. If this is the case for you, it's important to talk to someone about how you're feeling and get help.
9. Do you have a plan for how you would kill yourself?
If you have a specific plan for how you would commit suicide, it's important to get help immediately. This means that you're at a high risk for suicide and need to get professional help right away.
10. Do you have access to the means to carry out your plan?
If you have access to the means to carry out your suicide plan, it's important to get rid of those means or get them out of your reach. This will help reduce the risk of you following through on your plan.