1. Open the checklist box that contains the text you want to copy
To open a checklist box, click the File menu and then click Open. In the Open dialog box, locate and select the checklist box you want to open. Click the Open button.
2. Select the text you want to copy
To select text in a checklist box, click and drag your cursor over the text you want to select. The selected text will be highlighted.
3. Press Ctrl+C on Windows or Command+C on Mac to copy the text
Open the document into which you want to paste the text.
4. Open the document into which you want to paste the text
To open a document, click the File menu and then click Open. In the Open dialog box, locate and select the document into which you want to paste the text from your checklist box. Click the Open button.
5. Press Ctrl+V on Windows or Command+V on Mac to paste the text
The text from your checklist box will be pasted into the document.