1. Check for trip hazards.
looking for loose carpeting, uneven flooring, or obstacles in walkways
2. Inspect all electrical outlets.
ensure they are properly covered and not damaged
3. Check for fire hazards.
looking for blocked exits, flammable materials near heat sources, or electrical cords running through high-traffic areas
4. Inspect all gaming equipment.
ensure it is in good working condition and does not pose a safety hazard
5. Make sure all security cameras.
working properly and are not obstructed
6. Test the fire alarms.
ensure they are working properly
7. Inspect the casino’s security system.
ensure it is up to date and functioning properly
8. Review the casino’s evacuation plan with all employees.
ensure they are familiar with the procedures
9. Make sure all first-aid kits.
stocked and easily accessible in case of an emergency
10. Check the expiration dates.
all food and drinks in the casino to ensure they are safe to consume