1. Get car insurance
Get your car insurance checked.
2. Check Windscreen Wipers
Check for a smooth and clear wiper motion.
3. Check Tire Pressure and Tread Depth
Check for correct tires pressure and tread depth.
4. Perform a check-up on the car engine
Inspect all fans, belts, hoses and other related parts with signs of wear, leaking fluids or anything else that could cause further damage to any part of the engine.
5. Checking All Lights and their Function
Headlights, indicators, fog lights etc.
6. Check Brake Fluid Level
Check brake fluid level which is located in the master cylinder reservoir.
7. Check Brake Fluid Warning Light on Dash
Check for a broken or cracked hose, or leaky brake lines.
8. Check Horn Button
Test horn to make sure it is functioning properly.
9. Check that you have a valid license
If you are not licensed, visit your local DMV.
10. Return the Key to the Valid Driver
Return the keys to the valid driver and make sure that they have possession of their current license.
11. Check for Oil Leaks
Check for signs of oil leakage from the engine or transmission, or any part of the car you may find is leaking.