1. Shows increased interest in interacting with others - speaking in full sentences, making eye contact, and responding to names.
A child at 19 months should be able to interact with others in a number of ways, including speaking in full sentences, making eye contact, and responding to their name when called.
2. Can stack blocks tower-style.
At 19 months old, a child should be able to stack blocks tower-style. This means that they can stack the blocks one on top of the other in a stable fashion.
3. Scribbles with crayons on paper.
A child at 19 months old should be able to scribble on paper with a crayon. This involves moving the crayon back and forth across the paper in a random fashion.
4. Puts two small objects into one container.
At 19 months old, a child should be able to put two small objects into one container. This means that they can place two objects into a container and then remove them again.
5. Copies a circle with crayons.
A child at 19 months old should be able to copy a circle with crayons on paper. This means that they can trace around a circular object with the crayon.
6. Drinks from a cup with help.
At 19 months old, a child should be able to drink from a cup with help. This means that they can hold the cup themselves and take sips of liquid from it with assistance.
7. Uses one hand more than the other.
At 19 months old, a child may start using one hand more than the other for activities such as reaching for things or holding onto something tightly.
8. Understands simple commands such as "bring me your toy" or "put that away."
A child at 19 months old should be able to understand simple commands such as "bring me your toy" or "put that away." These commands involve telling the child what to do with an object or where to put it respectively.
9. Climbs onto furniture without help.
At 19 months old, a child should be able to climb onto furniture without help. This means that they can get onto furniture such as a chair or table without assistance from another person.
10. Crawls well on all fours.
At 19 months old, a child should be crawling well on all fours. This means that they can move forwards and backwards on their hands and knees without much difficulty.