1. Company history
The company's history should be researched in order to get an understanding of the company's past and how it has operated. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues that may have arisen in the past.
2. Business model
The business model should be evaluated to understand how the company makes money and how it plans to grow. This can help to identify any potential weaknesses in the company's business model.
3. Management team
The management team should be researched to get a sense of their experience and skills. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the management team.
4. Technology and intellectual property
The technology and intellectual property should be researched to get an understanding of what is owned by the company and what is licensed from others. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's technology and intellectual property.
5. Financial stability and projections
The financial stability and projections should be researched to get an understanding of the company's current financial state and future prospects. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's finances.
6. Customer base and competitive landscape
The customer base and competitive landscape should be researched to understand who the company competes with and how strong their customer base is. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's competitive positioning.
7. Supply chain and distribution
The supply chain and distribution should be researched to understand where the products/services are sourced from and how they are delivered to customers. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's supply chain/distribution process.
8. Contracts and agreements
The contracts and agreements should be researched to understand who the company has contracts with, what those contracts entail, and how long they are valid for. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's contractual relationships.
9. Compliance policies and procedures
The compliance policies and procedures should be researched to understand how the company ensures that it is compliant with all applicable laws/regulations. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's compliance posture.
10. Marketing and branding strategy
The marketing and branding strategy should be researched to understand how the company plans to attract new customers/businesses, as well as retain existing ones. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the marketing/branding strategy.
11. Sales and revenue streams
The sales and revenue streams should be researched to understand how the company generates revenue and how that is expected to grow over time. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's sales/revenue generation process.
12. Exit strategy
The exit strategy should be researched to understand how the company plans to sell itself or wind down operations. This can help to identify any potential risks or issues with the company's exit strategy.