1. Introduce yourself and state the purpose of the visit
When arriving at the home, introduce yourself and state the reason for your visit. Explain that you are conducting a routine home visit on behalf of DCF in order to ensure the well-being and safety of the child.
2. Verify the child’s name and date of birth
Ask for identification from any adults present in the home and confirm whether they are the legal guardian of the child. Also, verify that all information on file with DCF matches up with what is in the home.
3. Verify the family composition
Ensure that all adults in the home are listed on DCF records as part of the family unit and verify who lives in the home on a permanent basis.
4. Check for any visible injuries or signs of abuse or neglect
Look for any signs of abuse or neglect such as bruises, marks, scars, etc. Ask questions about how these injuries occurred and document answers in your report.
5. Review safety concerns previously identified by DCF
Review any safety issues previously identified by DCF and make sure they have been addressed.
6. Assess the home environment for hazards and safety concerns
Look for any potential hazards or risks to children in the home such as sharp objects, electrical cords, chemicals, etc. Ask questions about how these items are stored and document answers in your report.
7. Verify that all adults in the home have a criminal background check on file with DCF
Ensure that each adult living in the home has an up-to-date criminal background check on file with DCF. Request to see any documents associated with this process if necessary.
8. Collect contact information from all adults in the home
Collect contact information from all adults living in the home including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.
9. Confirm that child is enrolled in school and up-to-date on immunizations
Verify with documentation (if available) that the child is registered in school and has received their necessary immunization shots.
10. Observe interaction between child and caregiver(s)
Observe how the caregiver interacts with the child during your visit to assess any concerns you may have regarding the relationship. Document all interactions in detail in your report.