1. Our Contact Info.
It is important to provide the Care.com babysitter with your contact information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. This will allow the babysitter to reach you in case of an emergency or if they need clarification on any house rules or other matters while caring for your children.
2. In Case of Emergency.
In the case of an emergency, it is important to provide your babysitter with a list of people they can contact for assistance. This should include at least two contacts from outside the home who could be contacted in case you are unreachable. Include contact information that includes the names, phone numbers, and addresses for these individuals.
3. House and Rules.
Provide your Care.com babysitter with a list of any house rules or regulations they must abide by while caring for your children. This should include any established policies regarding bedtime, television time, or other activities while your child is in their care. It is also important to discuss any expectations you have regarding communication between you and the babysitter.
4. Health and Safety.
Ensure that your Care.com babysitter is familiar with any health conditions or allergies your child may have, such as food allergies, asthma, or other medical needs. Provide them with detailed instructions on how to properly administer medications if necessary. Additionally, discuss any safety protocols for fire hazards and emergency responses you would like them to follow in case of an unforeseen incident while in their care.
5. Meals and Snacks.
Provide your Care.com babysitter with a list of meals and snacks that are available for your child to eat while they are in their care. You may also want to provide specific recipes or directions so they can prepare the same meals and snacks that you would. Additionally, discuss any dietary restrictions or food allergies they should be aware of.
6. Naps and Bedtime.
Discuss with your Care.com babysitter the specific bedtime routine you have established for your child and provide them with detailed instructions on how to follow it. Additionally, make sure they are aware of when naptime is expected and what activities are permitted during this time.
7. Fun and Favorites.
Make sure your Care.com babysitter is aware of any favorite activities or toys that your children enjoy playing with, as well as any other fun activities you would like them to do while caring for your children. Discussing these things in advance will help ensure that your children are kept occupied and entertained while you are away.