1. Notify all employees of the active shooter drill and when it will take place.
The first step in an active shooter drill is to notify all employees of the drill and when it will take place. This will help ensure that everyone is aware of what is happening and knows what to expect.
2. Review the active shooter drill plan with all employees.
The next step is to review the active shooter drill plan with all employees. This will help ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities during an active shooter situation and knows what to do in order to keep themselves safe.
3. Assign specific duties to each employee during an active shooter situation.
The third step is to assign specific duties to each employee during an active shooter situation. This will help ensure that everyone knows what they are responsible for and can be more effective during a crisis.
4. Test the emergency response plan.
The fourth step is to test the emergency response plan. This will help ensure that everyone knows how to respond in an emergency and can do so effectively.
5. Conduct a walk-through of the building before initiating the drill.
The fifth step is to conduct a walk-through of the building before initiating the drill. This will help ensure that everyone knows where they are supposed to go and can do so quickly in case of an emergency.
6. Lock down the building during the drill.
The sixth step is to lock down the building during the drill. This will help simulate an actual emergency situation and can help employees better understand what it would be like to be in such a situation.
7. Have someone monitor communication channels during the drill.
The seventh step is to have someone monitor communication channels during the drill. This will help ensure that everyone can communicate effectively in case of an emergency.
8. Debrief employees after the drill are completed.
After the drill is completed, it is important to debrief employees on what happened. This will help them learn from the exercise and identify any areas that need improvement.
9. Review the active shooter drill checklist to ensure that all steps were followed correctly.
After the drill is completed, it is important to review the checklist to ensure that all steps were followed correctly. This will help ensure that the next time a drill is conducted, it will be more effective.
10. Make changes to the plan as necessary.
If there are any areas of the plan that need improvement, it is important to make changes as necessary. This will help ensure that the next time a drill is conducted, it will be more effective.