1. Personal Care Routines:
This item assesses the individual's interest and involvement in daily personal care activities, which are foundational to independent living.
2. Household Management:
This evaluates the person's engagement and motivation in managing and maintaining their living environment, which is crucial for quality of life.
3. Work-Related Tasks:
Focuses on the individual's interests in various vocational tasks and roles, which are integral to their identity and economic well-being.
4. Educational Activities:
Assesses the desire and enthusiasm for learning and educational pursuits, which can influence career opportunities and personal development.
5. Play or Leisure Activities:
Gauges interest in informal or organized activities that provide enjoyment and relaxation, essential for a balanced lifestyle.
6. Social Participation:
Evaluates the individual's eagerness to engage in social activities and their role within a social context, impacting mental health and community integration.
7. Rest and Sleep:
Assesses the importance placed on restorative activities and sleep, which are critical for overall health and occupational balance.
8. Exercise and Physical Activities:
Determines the level of interest in physical activities for maintaining health, wellness, and physical abilities.
9. Community Mobility:
Evaluates the individual's interest in and ability to navigate various community settings, which is essential for independence.
10. Hobby and Craft Interests:
Assesses the engagement in hobbies and crafts, which can provide a sense of accomplishment and contribute to an individual's identity.