1. AVID Binder Cover:
The binder cover should be white with the AVID logo in the center. This helps to identify the binder as an AVID binder and keeps it looking clean and professional.
2. Dividers:
There should be a minimum of five dividers, labeled as follows: Notes, Handouts, Worksheets, Projects, and Tests/Quizzes. This allows for easy organization of materials and quick access to what is needed.
3. Notebook Paper:
Lined notebook paper should be placed in the Notes section. This is for taking notes in class or for working on assignments.
4. Assignments:
All completed assignments should be placed in the Handouts section. This helps students to keep track of their work and ensures that all assignments are turned in on time.
5. Worksheets:
Any worksheets given in class should be placed in the Worksheets section for reference or further practice of a subject.
6. Projects:
All information related to current projects should be stored in the Projects section so that it can easily be accessed when needed.
7. Tests and Quizzes:
All tests and quizzes taken during a semester should be placed in the Tests/Quizzes section for future reference or review purposes.
8. Pencil Pouch:
A pencil pouch should also be included in the binder for storing pens, pencils, and other necessary materials.