1. Binge Eating:
Consuming large amounts of food at one time is often followed by feelings of guilt or depression afterwards.
2. Purging:
Engaging in behaviors such as vomiting, laxative use, or diuretic use to get rid of the calories consumed during a binge episode.
3. Unhealthy Weight Loss Practices:
Attempts at losing weight through excessive exercise and restrictive diets can lead to malnutrition and dehydration.
4. Secretive Behavior:
Hiding food or trying to avoid eating altogether, can be signs of an underlying problem with food and body image issues.
5. Anxiety or Depression:
Feelings of low self-worth and anxiety are common among those struggling with bulimia nervosa.
6. Obsessing Overweight and Body Shape:
Becoming preoccupied with one’s weight and body shape, often to the point of feeling shame or disgust at their appearance.
7. Mood Swings:
Experiencing sudden mood changes, ranging from heightened emotions to irritability or apathy.
8. Changes in Eating Habits:
Eating large amounts of food quickly, eating alone, or avoiding meals altogether can all be signs of bulimia nervosa.
9. Social Withdrawal:
Isolating oneself from friends and family and withdrawing from social situations can both be symptoms of bulimia nervosa.