1. Earn the Webelos Badge
To earn the Webelos Badge, Scouts must complete a series of requirements that include demonstrating knowledge of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code. They also learn basic first aid, participate in physical fitness activities, and complete a service project.
2. Show Active Participation
Scouts need to actively participate in Webelos den meetings, outings, and activities. Regular attendance and engagement demonstrate their commitment to the program and provide opportunities for skill-building and personal development.
3. Complete the Faith Requirement
Scouts must earn their religious emblem or complete the "Duty to God" adventure to fulfill this requirement. This component encourages Scouts to explore their own beliefs and values while respecting the diversity of religious backgrounds within their den.
4. Earn the Arrow of Light
The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting and serves as a bridge to Boy Scouts. Scouts must fulfill a range of requirements that include demonstrating leadership skills, completing adventures in various fields, participating in outdoor activities, and attending a Boy Scout troop meeting or outdoor activity.
5. Complete Outdoor Adventures
Webelos Scouts are expected to engage in a variety of outdoor adventures. These may include camping, hiking, cooking outdoors, and learning basic wilderness survival skills. By completing these adventures, Scouts develop self-reliance, teamwork, and an appreciation for nature.
6. Explore Career Opportunities
Scouts are encouraged to learn about different careers and professions. They may visit workplaces, interview professionals, or research various fields of interest. This requirement broadens their understanding of the world and helps them envision their future goals and aspirations.
7. Demonstrate Citizenship
Scouts learn about their role as responsible citizens in their communities. They explore the rights and responsibilities of being a good citizen, participate in service projects, and engage in discussions on topics such as government, voting, and community service.
8. Learn Outdoor Skills
Webelos Scouts acquire essential outdoor skills like fire safety, knots, navigation, and outdoor cooking. These skills equip them for camping trips and outdoor adventures while promoting self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and an appreciation for the natural environment.
9. Participate in Physical Activities
Scouts engage in physical fitness activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and personal well-being. This may involve participating in sports, games, and physical challenges that encourage physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork.
10. Demonstrate Scout Spirit
Scouts are expected to embody the principles and values of Scouting. This includes wearing the Scout uniform, participating in ceremonies, demonstrating good conduct, and showing respect for others. Scout spirit reflects their commitment to the Scouting ideals and serves as a model for others.