1. Filing for Divorce in Florida:
Understand the process of initiating divorce proceedings in Florida, including the filing of a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and serving the spouse.
2. Residency Requirements:
Ensure that you or your spouse meet the residency requirements, which typically involve living in Florida for at least six months before filing.
3. Grounds for Divorce:
Familiarize yourself with the no-fault divorce concept in Florida, where you don't need to prove fault to end the marriage.
4. Legal Representation:
Decide whether you'll hire an attorney or represent yourself, considering the complexity of your case.
5. Financial Documentation:
Gather financial records, including income, expenses, assets, and debts, for full financial disclosure.
6. Asset and Debt Division:
Learn how Florida's equitable distribution system divides marital assets and debts fairly, not necessarily equally.
7. Child Custody and Support:
Understand the factors considered in child custody decisions and how child support calculations are determined.
8. Alimony Considerations:
Explore the possibility of alimony (spousal support) and the factors that influence its award.
9. Marital Settlement Agreement:
Work with your spouse to negotiate and draft a Marital Settlement Agreement that outlines all terms of the divorce.
10. Court Proceedings and Finalization:
Navigate the court process, attend hearings, and follow the steps to finalize your divorce.