1. Start by preparing the space and setting the mood:
Make sure you have enough room to move around and set the mood by playing some calming music or lighting some candles.
2. Take a hot shower or bath:
The heat will help open up your pores and allow the other treatments to penetrate better.
3. Exfoliate your skin:
This will help remove any dead skin cells and allow the other treatments to be more effective.
4. Apply a face mask:
Choose a mask that is suited to your skin type and relax for 10-15 minutes while it dries.
5. Clip and wash your hair:
If you’re going to be shampooing and conditioning it later, go ahead and clip it up out of the way now.
6. Massage scalp:
This will help stimulate blood flow and promote relaxation.
7. Treat yourself to a mani/pedi:
Even if you’re doing them yourself, this can be a relaxing step in the process.
8. Paint your nails:
Choose a color that makes you feel good!
9. Finish up with some self-care rituals:
Take a few deep breaths, give yourself a hug, or take a nap if you have time.