1. Language and Literacy:
This section outlines the expectations for language development, early literacy, and phonological awareness. It includes objectives such as understanding non-literal language, identifying letter sounds, and beginning to read simple words.
2. Mathematics:
This section covers mathematical concepts related to number sense, problem-solving, measurement, geometry, data analysis, and probability.
3. Science:
This part of the checklist emphasizes scientific inquiry skills such as observing, classifying, predicting, and communicating information to develop an understanding of the natural world around them.
4. Social Studies:
The social studies portion of the VPK Standards Checklist focuses on developing a child’s knowledge about their community as well as the larger world.
5. Creative Arts:
This section encourages children to express themselves through music, art, dramatic play, and movement activities.
6. Health and Safety:
This portion of the checklist covers basic safety knowledge such as how to cross a street safely, healthy habits like daily physical activity, and understanding personal hygiene.
7. Social/Emotional Development:
The social/emotional development part of the VPK Standards Checklist includes objectives related to interacting with peers, following directions, self-regulation skills, and problem-solving strategies.
8. Physical Development:
This section of the VPK Standards Checklist focuses on gross motor skills such as running and jumping as well as fine motor skills like holding a pencil and using scissors.