1. Check the Environment:
During a home visit, guardians ad litem should observe the environment of the child’s home to ensure that it is safe and conducive to learning.
2. Interview Family Members:
Guardians ad litem should conduct interviews with family members during a home visit to learn more about the child’s environment and relationships.
3. Review Documentation:
Guardians ad litem should review any relevant documents related to the case, such as medical records or school reports, during a home visit to better understand the situation and provide informed recommendations.
4. Discuss Education and Health Care:
Guardians ad litem should discuss education and health care issues with family members during a home visit to ensure that the child is receiving adequate services and support.
5. Monitor Child-Parent Relationships:
Guardians ad litem should observe interactions between the child and parents during a home visit to determine the quality of their relationship.
6. Assess Risk Factors:
Guardians ad litem should assess for any potential risk factors that may be present in the home, such as substance abuse or domestic violence, during a home visit.
7. Follow Up on Recommendations:
If appropriate, guardians ad litem should follow up with family members on any recommendations made during previous visits to ensure that progress is being made toward meeting objectives.
8. Provide Resources/Referral Services:
Guardians ad litem should provide resources and referral services to family members during a home visit to help them access needed services or support.