1. Student Information:
This includes the student's name, age, current grade level, and any other relevant personal details.
2. IEP Team Members:
List all members of the IEP team who will be attending the meeting, including names and roles each plays in helping support the student's education.
3. Current Progress & Areas of Concern:
Outline a summary of the student’s current progress in school and list any areas of concern that need to be addressed during the meeting. This is also a chance to make note of any observations or insights gained by teachers working with the student over time.
4. Goals & Objectives:
Include a brief overview of goals and objectives set for the student, as well as any progress made towards achieving those goals.
5. Accommodations & Modifications:
List accommodations and modifications that are currently being used to support the student's education, such as changes in classroom structure or instruction. Include a description of how these changes benefit the student's learning.
6. Participant's Questions & Comments:
Allow team members to jot down any questions they have regarding the IEP meeting, as well as comments they wish to contribute throughout the discussion.
7. Action Items:
Summarize all action items discussed during the meeting, including any follow-up tasks that need to be completed by specific team members following the IEP meeting itself.