1. Overall Impression:
This involves looking at the child’s overall language production, including the number of words spoken, complexity, and accuracy of the language used.
2. Error Analysis:
This looks at any errors in syntax, morphology, or phonology that can indicate a delay or disorder in language development.
3. Pragmatics:
This looks at how well the individual can use language for social communication, including an understanding of body language, taking turns in conversation, appropriate responses to questions and statements, etc.
4. Vocabulary/Semantics:
This looks at what kinds of words are used by the individual and how they are combined into meaningful sentences.
5. Morphology/Syntax:
This looks at the structure of language, including the use of verb tenses and other grammatical markers.
6. Fluency:
This looks at the rate and rhythm of speech, as well as any stuttering or dysfluencies that may be present.
7. Articulation:
This looks at how words are pronounced and whether there is any slurring or mispronunciation of sounds.
8. Prosody/Intonation:
This looks at the melody and stress of a person’s speech, which can indicate if there is a possible disorder such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
9. Cognitive-Communicative Impairment:
This involves looking for any deficits in problem-solving or reasoning abilities that might be impacting language abilities.
10. Non-Verbal Communication:
This includes looking at the use of gestures, facial expressions, body language, and other forms of non-verbal communication that may indicate underlying deficits in language development.
11. Contextual Analysis:
This looks at the context in which language is used, including factors such as culture, environment, and audience, to gain a better understanding of how language is being used.
12. Narrative/Discourse Analysis:
This involves looking for aspects such as the organization of ideas and topics, cohesion between sentences, and overall coherence of the discourse.
13. Other Observations:
Here any additional observations can be noted such as changes in vocal tone or mannerisms during a conversation that could indicate underlying deficits in language development.