1. Glib and superficial charm:
The individual is charming and charismatic and is able to easily gain the trust of others.
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth:
The individual has an inflated sense of self-worth and believes that they are better than others.
3. Need for stimulation or proneness to boredom:
The individual has a need for excitement and is easily bored.
4. Pathological lying:
The individual is a habitual liar and is often deceptive.
5. Conning and manipulativeness:
The individual is manipulative and often uses others for their own gain.
6. Lack of remorse or guilt:
The individual does not feel remorse or guilt for their actions.
7. Callousness and lack of empathy:
The individual is callous and lacks empathy for others.
8. Promiscuous sexual behavior:
The individual engages in promiscuous sexual behavior.
9. Early behavior problems:
The individual had behavior problems early in life.
10. Parasitic lifestyle:
The individual relies on others for their financial needs.