1. Sleep patterns and disturbances:
This item assesses a child's sleep routine, including the duration, frequency of night awakenings, and any sleep-related problems like night terrors or bedwetting.
2. Behavioral challenges and temperamental traits:
Here, we look at the child's behavior, examining if they exhibit any challenging behaviors or temperamental traits that might indicate underlying issues.
3. Speech and language development:
This section evaluates a child's speech and language skills, including their ability to communicate effectively and reach appropriate developmental milestones.
4. Social interactions and play skills:
Assessing a child's ability to interact with peers and engage in age-appropriate play activities helps identify potential social and developmental challenges.
5. Gross and fine motor skills:
This item focuses on a child's physical abilities, including their motor coordination, balance, and control over both large and small muscle movements.
6. Feeding and eating habits:
Understanding a child's eating patterns, food preferences, and any feeding difficulties is essential for monitoring their nutritional health.
7. Toilet training and bowel habits:
Evaluating a child's progress in toilet training and their regularity in bowel movements helps identify any gastrointestinal concerns.
8. Sensory sensitivities or aversions:
This item explores whether a child has heightened sensitivities or aversions to sensory stimuli, such as certain textures, tastes, or sounds.
9. Growth and physical development:
Monitoring a child's growth, height, weight, and overall physical development is vital for identifying potential growth-related issues.
10. Emotional well-being and resilience:
This section assesses a child's emotional health, resilience, and ability to cope with various life stressors and challenges.