1. Recognizing and managing emotions.
This item involves observing how a child identifies and handles their emotions, such as joy, anger, sadness, and frustration.
2. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships.
It focuses on a child's ability to form and sustain healthy relationships with peers and adults, highlighting their social skills.
3. Demonstrating empathy towards others.
Here, we evaluate if a child shows understanding and compassion towards the feelings and perspectives of others.
4. Effective communication skills.
This item assesses a child's ability to express themselves clearly and listen attentively during interactions.
5. Self-regulation and impulse control.
It observes how well a child manages their impulses, controls their behavior, and regulates their emotions.
6. Problem-solving and conflict resolution.
This aspect gauges a child's capacity to identify problems, develop solutions, and handle conflicts constructively.
7. Building self-esteem and self-confidence.
It looks into whether a child exhibits self-assuredness and a positive self-image.
8. Coping with stress and adversity.
This item assesses how well a child copes with challenging situations and manages stress.
9. Displaying appropriate social behavior.
It examines a child's behavior in different social contexts, ensuring it aligns with societal norms.
10. Expressing feelings and needs appropriately.
This item evaluates whether a child can express their feelings and needs in a respectful and appropriate manner.